when i say it's over.. <3
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•Officially 13
•Crazy about CHARMED
•Laughing Disease


Stuff that you don't know about me.=XX

•Not brave enough to order food.(OVERCOMED)
•Scared to bath w/o lights on although its a sunny day .=X
•Scared to sleep w/o lights .=X
•Takes more then 30 mins bathing .=X
•Hates incline pull up. eews .
•Enjoy blackouts when with family =)

Contact me.



# Pretty SiSta
# Sweet SiSta
# SiS Dayah
# Afiqah
# Afiqah ; 2/7
# Ailin
# Aishah (UNITY)
# Aishah (CONCORD)
# Celestine
# Clara
# Dave
# Desiree
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# Farah
# Fazillah
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# Meiqi
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# Vanessa
# Venus
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# Xinyu
# Yanru



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Be Original.


we broke up.
even after the break up, you still continue to hurt me .
maybe you dont know me too well,
i just hate it when ppl doubts me .

its like that time when they all doubt my friendship..
and now, you doubt my love .
i cried, at the spot, after reading ur message .
that's the most hurting thing you even said to me .
it really hurts, just so hurting .
just a moment ago, i still love you even after the break up..
but for now, after that question, you cut me deeply .
its all over .
thanks alot .
really, thanks alot for that last question of the day .

Miss Shaikah signing out =) TATA !

*Friday, March 28, 2008




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Miss Shaikah signing out =) TATA !

*Monday, February 25, 2008



Miss Shaikah signing out =) TATA !

*Saturday, October 27, 2007


LOL ! long time since i posted huh ? this sucks alot cause i can't even view my own BLOG using my computer . so i guess this will be my last post till i open up a new blog T.T

so these few days in sch just rawk lahh ! GAMES, GAMES, GAMES and more GAMES . my results are OKAY . & yay ! i scored A1 for SCIENCE! my hardwork paid off ! thank god ! lol. then in class played poker games and when VICE-P walked pass our class yesterday, we quickly hide our cards xDD then ohh yah . 18th OCT was CLAR-YANFANG's birthday ! yay. happy birthday CLARCLAR ! hees . we all planned and came up an idea to CARRY her to the slide, ohh well, somehow failed, but at least we succeed to carry her (: hahs, then she took revenge and pull all our hairbands are run away . then we all were like chasing here & there .. FUN thing . after that, listen to some music and crap here and there . then bla-blaed and home ((: SORRY MR BUDIMAN FOR NOT MEETING YOU ON THAT DAY T.T hee.

ohh, and my mother tongue class is gonna PERFORM on DEEPARAYA celebration .. & i think its FREAKING embarrassing . T.T saddening . especially when i got so many haters =.= HAIZ. what a luck! but nevermind [: let's see . what else should i update on .. ohh, and been doing XISENO (onesix) class blog's base code . sorry for the delay, but im freakin' busy . alot of things to do and sort out in my computer and stuffs . soon yepps . and do visit our class blog peeps ! http://www.xiseno.blogspot.com ((: gogo ! hehs . let's talk abt FRIDAY ! hahs, randomly feel like talking abt it .

went to sch, and i was not early T.T erghs . so not much time to DO STUFFS xDD but nevermind . went to assembly and blabla-ed . then played card games and went for rehearsal . seriously, i think we dont have to do much of a rehearsal cause our performance is something easy luhh. but whatever, upto you guys . then PEEPS showing attitude . stare here and there . what's your fucking problem luhh ?! not happy come talk to me . stare no use luhh . =.= LOSER ! nevermind again . upto HER . then recess, eateat and can't finish food again, WASTE $$ onlyyy.. LOL . back to rehearsal and class . watched a movie for awhile and continued with games and craps . then rained and decided to have lunch . but some fucked up problems just came up that made me soooo PISSED . some people buay song wanna come find me ? what the heck, im only helping someone luhh, and yes, i slapped you, but you did slap me back, so we're even now aren't we ? what's the use of waiting for me outside sch ? gawd, and even threatening to come in and find me . HOPELESS LOSERS . now if you wanna find me, pls go to CHOA CHU KANG area and do so ((: thank you very much . ohh and thanks to those who tried to cheer me up or talk to me around . LOL . thankews ;D well, there's nothing much for me to say, so shall end here . BYEBYE .

ohh and bytheway, tomorrow after training and rehearsal, going to meet someone important . and im freakin paranoid and nervous luhh . THAT MR BUDIMAN BETTER HELP ME UHH !!

Miss Shaikah signing out =) TATA !

*Sunday, October 21, 2007


HELLO MY DARLING READERS ! thanks for reading my blog ((:

SELAMAT HARI RAYA TO ALL MUSLIMS ! & forgive me if i'd done any stuffs that hurts you and stuffs .

tomrrow going to THOSE relative's house -.- hate it! as usual . but yah, me and sisters planned NOT TO BE NICE tomorrow . so, let's get ready for some ACTIONS xDD

Miss Shaikah signing out =) TATA !

*Friday, October 12, 2007


HELLOHELLOHELLO ! today is a great day for me . REASON ? its 111007 & its my SECOND MONTH together with my DARLING BUDIMAN ((: iloveyouhoney ! so both of us were excited for it that we kept messaging each other till 2am and FINALLY we chose to stop & get some rest .. i dont know but its hard for me to sleep, so i message some peeps then THANK GOD, finally i get into the LALALAND ! ;DD then blablabla and was late today cause i sleep after eating . planned not to, but yahh, 6.35am i woke up and rushrush T.T knew that HONEY's gonna reach first )): hahs, then FINALLY get to see him . wees, i miss him alot though . so walk to sch and stuffs . then reached my class, got too many people . so went to a corner and yah, as planned & promised, i gave him a kiss :X hees ((: & blablabla . was high-ing in the morning cause of that luhh . hehs, SHAIKAH GETS HIGH VERY EASILY ! ;DD blabla-ed.

went to hall, listen to boring talks while crapping with peeps around me . total RETARDS xDD then whatever crap things and stuffs, recess time stayed back in hall for awhile and played BLACKJACK & my most favourite ! DAIDI <33>REDUNDANT . okay whatever . dont read xD then woke up, break fast & didnt finish my rice . straight to my room and sleep again . T.T today's the last day for TERAWIH and i didnt go cause i fell asleep just now . ohhwell, whatever .

so, i think i'll stop here . tomorrow's inter-class game and im so in it! im even freakin' excited abt it lahh . i dont mind playing while fasting luhh . its just that i'll have to go home after the game & sleep again xD so see ya peeps tomrrow or whenever [:

10thOctober : HAPPY BIRTHDAY AZFAR & HAPPY 3RD MONTH NAFASHAMAZU ! ((: i love you peeps [:

& finally, HAPPY SECOND MONTH HONEY ! iloveyou alot ! thanks for EVERYTHING ((: muahhs .

Miss Shaikah signing out =) TATA !

*Thursday, October 11, 2007


after posting, i was tagged by GOLDFISHIE to do this . so yah, since im BORED, let's do this!

list out the top 5 presents you wish for:
1. $
2. $$
3. $$$
4. $$$$
5. $$$$$ xD
{can't make up my mind.}

the person who tagged you is:

your 5 impressions of her:
1. cute
2. goldfish-like xD
3. FUN to be with
4. smartass xD

the most memorable things she has done for you:
hm, let's see . CRYING together on the last day of school in class <33>

the most memorable words she has said to you?
er, i dont really have sucha a good memory, but im sure she is sure sweet (:

if she becomes your lover, you will:
become a lesbian ! xDD

if she becomes your lover, they have to improve on will be:
er.. ?

if she becomes your enemy, you will:
kill myself T.T *stabs heart*

if she becomes your enemy, the reason will be:
cause im too irritating xD

pass this quiz to 10 people that you wish to know how they feel about you:
1. BUDIMAN ((: <3
4. DESIREE helmet-head ((:
5. MEIQI ((:
6. VENUS TEO ((:
8. HALIMA ((:
9. AFIQAH 1/6 ((:
10. FAZILLAH ((:
{these peeps are randomly chosen}

1. who is 7 having relationship with?(farah hannah)
er, HAS HAS ? xD

2. who is no. 9 having realtionship with? (afiqah)
no idea. T.T

3.if no. 9 & 10 are together, will it be a good thing?(afiqah & fazillah)
i think they make a good couple xDD hees.

4.how bout no. 1 & 5.(budiman & meiqi)
WHAT THE HECK ! budiman's mine xDDD ! lol.

5.what is no. 3 studying?(clar-yanfang)
same stuffs as me (: except for mother tongue [:

6. when was the last time you chatted with no. 6?(venus teo)
er. monday! GAGS ASSHOLE ((:

7. does no. 4 work?(desiree)
ohh, she doesnt .

8. does no.8 have any cousin in her own school?(halima)
no idea .

9.will you woo no. 8? (halima)
WOO, if im a guy, its a sure thing xDD hahs .

10.how bout no. 5?(meiqi)
ohh, again, if im a guy, perhaps i will xD

11. does no. 2 have any siblings? (gervina)

12. how did you get to know no. 3 & 4? (clar-yanfang & desiree)
clar-yanfang, classmate & netball CAPCAP <3>
desiree, classmate and by pulling her shoelaces xD

13.where does no. 1 live at?(BUDIMAN <3)

14.how did you get to know no. 2?(gervina)

15. is no. 5 the sexiest person in the world?(meiqi)
hm, let's see . she's more to the CUTIEST person xD

aw, that's the end ? that's just so sad . LOL . alright since you guys unable to right click this thingy, pls go to the link below and copy everything and paste at your post area ((:
thank you . LOL .


Miss Shaikah signing out =) TATA !

*Wednesday, October 10, 2007



What time is it ?
Summertime !
It's our vacation !
What time is it ?
Party time !
That's right, say it loud !
What time is it ?
The time of our lives..
Anticipation !
What time is it?
School's out, scream and shout!

haha . now it's time for all of us to ENJOY with our FRIENDS AND LOVED ONES ! how fun can that be ?! extreme fun ! wees ~ so how's everybody doing ? sorry for that RED post yahh, feeling a little bit PISSED yesterday for the whole bloody day thinking about it . HAIZ . what a life, but whatever . ohh bytheway ! yesterday i FAINTED for the THIRD TIME IN MY WHOLE LIFE ! it all started in the train when me and family wanted to go to the EVER BAWRING GEYLANG THAT I HATE SOSOSO MUCH T.T so in the train, there isn't any place to sit . so i was just listening to my MP3 and messaging PEEPS . suddenly, i just can't breathe . maybe the MRT was too packed ? then blurred vision, i knew i was gonna faint . i told my dad and they were like KANJIONG, and the next thing i know, i was lying down JUST BESIDE the MRT track, you know, the place for the blind people to know where they are, yepps, i was lying there after being carried by my dad & sisters . then i got up and went over to the BENCH and lay there . axe oil, vicks all were rubbed on me, some body warmth was given by my siblings . my hands & legs were freakin' cold i tell ya ! luckily, in another 10 minutes, its time to break fast . then after some rest, i got up and laugh to myself . HAHS, what a DRAMATIC & EMBARRASSING EXPERIENCE ! xDD

there are certain things that come to a disappointment though, i thought SINGAPOREANS would be FRIENDLY and KIND/COURTEOUS enough to help or make way or smething, but they just stood there and do nothing . MY DAD IS FREAKING STRONG LAH ! lol. my sis said he looks like INCREDIBLE HULK when he forced the MRT DOOR to open when its closing .. and he CARRIED me ! knowing that im FREAKING HEAVY too . ohmygod ? i love you dad. thanks for that yeahhs . sorry to freak some of you out when i messaged you that i fainted . LOL, reading back your messages and stuffs . SO IN THE END, things went fine . shopped for my clothes and i bought it . LIKE FINALLY ? i bought NYONYA KEBAYA . haha ? and this year, family's gonna wear PINK ! yays ! & i wonder what colour my EYES or i should be more specific, MY PUPIL gonna be . i thought of getting PURPLE, hahs . retarded . BUT YEAH, whatever . house still havent prepare for HARI RAYA -.- know what, I HATE HARI RAYA . i dont care abt the $$.. but seriously i hate it ! know why ? RELATIVES -.- haiz . sian lorr .. sure will have some NEGATIVE COMMENTS lahh . i dont know in what WORLD they're living at .. but yahh, seriously, whatever to them uhh . if they want to criticize me or something, i dont mind being RUDE to them, in fact i can't wait ! especially to that PARTICULAR AUNTIE .. HMPFS !

ohh bytheway, i think GOLDFISH-AISHAH is being sweet . & i love her ! GOLDFISH, if you're reading this, THE RESPONSIBE & ever RAWKIN' monitress of 6C'06 misses you ! hees . hope we BUMP into each other some day or just catch up on each other like what you said huh . with all the other EX CONCORDIANS .. weee~ i miss a great bunch of you from concord ! OHMYGOD ?! i miss playing TRUTH OR DARE whereby KISSES happens xD then BEATING or BULLYING SAY IAN the great SOTONG ! & unbutton here and there . SO FUN CAN ! i miss MDM MONA LEE's favourite PHRASES, "who will die without talking ?" "say ian, i love you" and many more other phrases, especially with HER squeeky voice xD hehs . ohh and i miss XIAO JING! i miss making fun of her :X and also the MOTHER PIG & gang xD gawd . & vivien the flowerie auntie xD haiz . lastly, PADMAWATHY too ! gawd, EX CONCORDIANS, especially EX 6Cians, you're missed by SHAIKAH ! ;DD let's meet up one day and crapcrapcrap ! YAY !

& LASTLY ! tomorrow's my SECOND MONTH with BABY ! I LOVE YOU HONEY ! may we last long ! i just wish that i could HUG you the first thing in the morning tomrrow, but because of KAYPOH PEEPS, i guess i can't huh T.T but nevermind, i still love you xD *hugs & kisses* ((:

Miss Shaikah signing out =) TATA !

*Wednesday, October 10, 2007




We are just full of CRAP . PEACE .

ONESIX randoms :
To Haters of Miss Shaikah.
If you hate me, i can't stop you. But please don't be such a coward to criticize or spam my blog without letting me know who you are. I would love to know my haters. Last but not least, If you hate me, i'll just take it as you are just jealous of me. =) okay ? SO think twice before you do anything. Thank you and Enjoy your stay.