Hi, this post is specially made for my classmates or schoolmate and whoever who knows me. This is to show how much i cherish and appreciate our relationship and to keep it as a memory, here is a post for all my classmates. Classmates ; They grow up with me together and I really miss them alots. Although they sometimes hurt my feelings and their attitude sometimes sux,.. I STILL LOVE THEM ! Firstly, thanks to Nabilah for staying by my side for a total of 6 years and still counting. Whenever im in trouble or stuff like that, she will always be there for me although she is sometimes a little ahem like what u all know, but she is really a true friend. Thanks, nbi luv ya ! LOL. Next thank you is to my besties, shiyu and dave. They totally rawk although sometimes we fight and argue and got angry with each other, we still pull through and our friendship never fade. Till now. I've known them about 2 years but 3-4 years for Dave. I wouldn't be what i am without them supporting me by my side. And i really treasure our friendship and hope to keep in touch with you guys although i some kinda know that its impossible as we might not be close again next year, BUT in these years of with you guys in Concord Primary School, i'm totally grateful and happy to have bestfriends like the both of you. Thank you , love you and may god bless the both of you. Best of all, BESTIES. or MIGHT be ex-besties in a couple years more. and as for dave, thank you for all the care and concern that you had shown me. Example like you calling me and this and that. When im sick you will ask me about my health and stuff. I could never find a great friend like you. And if i had hurt your feelings, im sorry and thank you for being there for me when im lonely. ope to keep in touch. same goes to shiyu too, we might not be that close as we only meet up in school, but our friendship will never fade. Thanks guys !!!! Third thank you is for my close friends. Firstly, Halima. She had been there for me too. She is a person fun to be with and fun to be crazy with. Well, when i am feeling down or sad, she will always be there to cheer me up and tried to make me laugh. There is a couple of times which she can be reeeeaaaaal damn irritating, but what the hell, she's fun to be with ! Thank you Halima, really appreciate stuff that you had done for me. And the last day of school that we cried madly together, thanks alot for shedding those tears for your friends and one of them is me. Thanks and love you too ! And for my classmates in primary 6C, thank you very much for caring for each other and making the class happy everytime. i totally respect my classmates as thick or thin, we'll never part ! thats what we are. When a teacher scolded someone, we will try to back each other up and console each other. They will also tried to help me or my friends when we are in need of help for example, in studies. you guys are just caring friends. Well its sad enough to leave you all, but no choice. Hold on, i still have quite a number of thanks to give it to. Next is my MT class. i used to NOT like mother tongue classes which i don't know why. but now its just normal to me after my mother tongue friends had made some jokes in class and stuff. i would also like to apologise to some of my friends if i had hurt their feelings when im in class. Firstly, i would like to apologise to Almas. Public apology ; To Almas : If i had hurt your feelings by making jokes about your name and your appearance, i would want to say Sorry and thank you for being patient and tolerate my nonsense. If for others, they will surely slap me or totally ignore me. But for you its different. Sorry and i hope you dont take things to heart. I know that i aren't that perfect either. Well here are some praises from me to you. You are smart and pretty, so just wanna wish you the best of luck in whatever you do. And for the last time i would be teasing/calling you this, Good luck a dot. =pp Well Well Well, now im 12 and i had spent half of my life in Concord Primary School. Its sad to leave all the friends that i had grown together with. They were really great bunch of kids. As for the teachers, i do hate them sometimes. Well thats what most student would do ; to hate teachers as they scolded them. But to think about it, its for our own benefit. So thanks teachers for scolding me and made me realise what im really am. Special thanks to Miss Padma for showing me lots of concern when i was in p5. If it wasn't for you, i would have gone astray. don't worry, i will try not to disappoint you . That was the last thing that you said to me and wanted me to do. Don't worry, i'll try. A special thanks to mdm mona lee too for being a perfect teacher in Primary six. If you never stress us, i will never know what will happen to my results. Thank you very much. AND ALL TO MY FELLOW CLASSMATES OR SCHOOLMATES OR WHOEVER THAT KNOWS SHAIKAH FROM PRIMARY 6C CONCORD PRIMARY SCHOOL, I WOULD LIKE TO SAY SORRY IF I HAD HURT YOUR FEELINGS IN WHATEVER WAY. AND I WOULD LIKE TO SAY THANK YOU TOO FOR BEING A FRIEND TO ME. lol.. This is a long post, but its just an oppurtinity for me to express my feelings. I would love to write more, but i would not like to bore my faithful readers anymore. So lastly, wishing everyone best of luck and till we meet again. GOODBYE.